Saturday, January 15, 2005

-20 Degree Start

Hello all. (As if I can say all quite yet, as no one really knows this page is out there.) But hello to anyone who does find themselves reading this posting. This blog site was created by myself, as a way to spend a minus 20 degree saturday afternoon in the beautiful frozen state of North Dakota. (Tonight I have exciting snow piling plans- no joke. Maybe part joke.) Either way, I also have plans that this site will also be a way for all you out there that may be wondering from time to time what that tall Danish/German/Norwegian/Whatever boy up in ND is doing these days to find out exactly that. I'll hopefully be diligent enough to post regularly and keep you interested in all of my thoughts and doings. (And if I can manage enough smarts to post pictures I'll do that too.) You should also be able to drop your own comments on any text/picture postings, once again if this blogger programming stuff turns out to be easy for partially techno-illiterate me. Enjoy!

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