Monday, February 20, 2006


So it’s been awhile for the bloggin’. This has been the busiest month I can ever remember. Moving. Surgery. Wedding. Honeymoon. More moving. Little bit of work. Wow. I could post a ton of pix and stories of it all, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to find the time to catch up with everything. I’ll try to leave a taste though. To recap the wedding, it was wonderful. Despite the surgery the week prior, I was feeling pretty well, and things went great. I even managed to keep it together and not cry during the ceremony. I didn’t think I had a chance. J The honeymoon to San Francisco and Yosemite fueled the fire of us wanted to move, and we’re now researching places to live and jobs available. West is best. Obviously. It was in the 60’s for the majority of the trip, and we had a blast riding the cable cars around (you totally don’t need a car between walking, biking, and public transit their), eating mounds of seafood everyday, riding the Golden Gate Bridge on a Burley tandem, checking out Chinatown, visiting Edward in Livermore, checking out the Pacific Ocean, taking a Bay cruise and seeing Alcatraz, shoppin’ and other city stuff, and spending a day in one of the most famous rock climbing areas of the world- Yosemite. I want rock. It was warm enough to climb their, despite it being February. I’m totally going back with cams. Anyhow, there will be more stories and pix later, but this is your taste for now. Back to working a little.

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