Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Just dropping a quick note to recommend another book. I'm working on finishing Let My People Go Surfing, the Education of a Reluctant Businessman, by Yvon Chounaird, the owner and founder of Patagonia. It's about sustainable and ethical business, and the environmental issues that pair with it. If anyone thinks we can ignore these issues, they're living in a cave. Actually, if you lived in a cave I'd say you'd be pretty in tune with environmental issues. Anyway, I believe we all need to make some changes (starting at an individual level- it's way easier to change one at a time than to ask large entities to change) regarding the way we go about life as usual, and this book highlights some major issues to attend to. Patagonia has sure pioneered some excellent initiatives, and I hope they keep being a convincing example of what they preach.

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