Sunday, January 18, 2009

Alright, that's enough.

This winter is progressing like most in the northern midwest.  Fall is great, I think I can handle what's to come, and I announce stupid things regarding winter like "bring it", as seen in an earlier post, and then by January I just don't see the point in all this cold and dark anymore.  We had a stretch last week from Monday night to Friday afternoon where it never rose above 0 degrees.   Yes, I can handle the deep cold.  Quite well.  Not many can say they camp in the winter.  I don't do it often, mind you, but more than the never that most folks get out in this stuff.  I ride my single speed in all sorts of cold bleak insanity and even like it many times.  I snowshoe and nordic ski.  Below zero.  Yeah, I can handle it.  But I really whole heartedly do not prefer it to the warmer seasons, and milder locales.  I've officially had my fill of MN winter and am waiting out the spring when I can return to road bikes, camping in non-lethal weather, water in liquid form, and climbing real rock.  And barbeque.  And slacklining.  And seeing the sun.   Yikes I've got the winter itchiness.   I respect the power of dangerous weather, and it's impressive to experience it, but I've had the experience enough times now to move on to greener months.  I think travel is in order next weekend to get a break.

1 comment:

Adam said...

58 degrees and sunny.

You can always come to Texas. Next weekend it's supposed to be 70. :)