Friday, December 19, 2008

snow and snow

We did get the deep freeze after last weekend, and it wasn't that bad.  Something like -24 degree wind chills.  Easy.  It's been much worse in my years living in ND.  The Twin Cities really doesn't get that bad, although everyone would have you think it.  Don't get me wrong, the weather does get lethal, but the deep bitter cold of the ND prairies will take you out and then do it again.  The snow came after the cold, and it actually got to the point of hampering my bike commuting.  It wasn't that I couldn't ride in it, it was the motor vehicle missiles (people loosing control of their SUVs they feel so warm and cuddly and overconfident in.)  I just don't have a safe route to work after I get out of STP and into the suburbs, which are less bike friendly and built with only cars in mind.  So on the super slippery days, I may have to suck it up and start my pickup to get to work.  Sad.  I'm writing to the city and seeing if there is any way to lobby for safer bikeways over I-494, my trouble spot.  Right now the only way is a busy road, albeit with big shoulder, but still a shoulder that sees wiping out automobiles when it's slick.  
The good news with all the snow is that there is all the snow!  Skiing and snowshoeing and winter camping can start!  And of course indoor climbing will continue.  I will not be bored.

1 comment:

treadnorth said...

Actually, I have gotten a little bored. I've had my couple of months of winter and I'm ready to move on...