Sunday, November 30, 2008

A goal...

For several years, I've been tossing around an idea in the back of my mind.  One of those "dude, it would be sweet to actually do that" things that an outdoorsy guy thinks about when it's dark and cold outside and he's dreaming of the next few trips to put together.  It may not be the same type of trip that many dream up, but it's something I've wanted to do based on my background.  I'm from North Dakota, and I'm a slightly obsessive cyclist.  I have a touring bike.  I love to camp.  I love covering a lot of ground on two wheels.  One only has to connect the dots to see that I need to cross my home state on my Long Haul Trucker.  I think 2009 will be the season.  It's an odd time for me to decide to tour across a state, seeing as it just started snowing to commence the long nasty St Paul, MN winter, but it's never bad to set a goal, even if it's a ways out.  I think as far as touring goes it will be a fairly easy one to put together.  I'd really prefer to cross epic miles going coast to coast, or UT to AK, or something of the sort, but work is just always there ruining those types of semi-rational thoughts.  So, something simpler, yet still noteworthy, such as crossing a state is a start.  I haven't begun to plan any routes or made any official plans, but I've decided to give it a real go this next year.  Hopefully whatever life has coming will allow the goal to materialize and be met.  That's all for now, just needed to write it down.  Goals work better if you write them down and people can harass you about them.  :)  

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