Monday, April 20, 2009

LHT Goodness

I've done it before but I just need to rant a little more now about my Surly Long Haul Trucker.  Last night I was pretty worn out due to climbing this weekend, but I needed a few groceries.  So, despite the soreness I grabbed a couple panniers and threw a leg over the big bike.  The weather had been cold and rainy all day, but cleared off a bit to let a bit of a sunset through the clouds as I pedaled down the bike lane of Summit Ave towards Whole Foods.  Quite a few people were out enjoying the night.  It was one of those relaxing rides that reminds you that not every bike experience needs high excitement; that sometimes sitting atop a comfy Brooks on an upright steel touring bike on a crisp night hauling fresh fruit can lead you to a different mellow excitement.  More of a luxury than a rush.  Sometimes the 33 pound bike is more appropriate than the sub-20 pound fast machine.  I do like both though.  :)

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