Monday, January 05, 2009

5.11a finally!

I was finally able to send a 5.11a tonight at the gym!  Felt good, to say the least.  It brought me back from being in a crappy mood after bad news at work.  Climbing is always a good outlet for stress.  I'm glad I can bike and climb and hike and get outside and escape the rat race or I wouldn't be able to take being a rat (or something like that).  I can't be furloughed from outside.  Nature is a better boss.  
Now the goal is getting consistent on 5.11's.  I think it's going to involve kicking my sweet tooth and getting a bit leaner.  I've experienced cookies, but I'd like to experience being a good climber.  I can save the cookies for my 200 mile one day cycling attempt this summer, and for touring.  

1 comment:

KPRTS said...

Well done, you have proven youself to be a jedi master.