Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A past home...

I have been watching the news the past week as I've been laid up sick at home, and have been feeling thankful that we no longer live in the Red River "Valley".  The poor residents up there are experiencing the yearly apocalypse the region is known for, and it's been particularly ugly this time.  I'm sure you've seen the flooding on the news, as it's hit the national venues.  I've even seen people I went to college with during Katie Couric's nightly news.  I have no interest in living any additional years in an area where you can see record flooding combined with blizzard conditions.  Seriously.  The state closed I-29 because if you slide off the icy snowy road, you can end up submerged in 7 feet of water.  There are severe weather phenomena that can be associated with adventure and sometimes even some level of fun, but I see nonesuch experience in the flooding/freezing of an place where people are already tired of a long winter season.  Give them a break, nature.  

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