Sunday, July 16, 2006

My return to gimpery...

I don't get paid very much for my skills. I have, however, been quite grateful for the insurance my employer provides. Earlier this year, I blogged about having to have my apendix out. I had to lay around for a week on painkillers (which also kill your ability to do much of anything at all, leaving you very bored and confused all during your recovery). It turns out that I will again get to repeat this process of losing some amount of my time to healing, as I now have a hernia. I guess you can ride your bike too hard, cuz I did. I go in for surgery Tuesday. Also a repeat is the fact that I have a big family event immediately following being cut open. Alison and I are supposed to leave to visit relatives in Wisconsin the day afterwords, so we'll see if that happens. At least it's not our wedding this time.

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