Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Patched up

Well surgery went well yesterday, and I am healing on the couch at home. This surgery definately has more pain involved afterwords when compared with my last one. The incision was quite a bit larger this time. Ouch. It feels better this morning after I've gotten some sleep, and the Doraset they gave me to control the pain seems to work pretty well. I'll probably be loopy for a couple days because of the medication, but loopy and relaxed sounds better that sharp, aware and in pain. Alison has been taking very good care of me. I owe her a fancy dinner out after all of this. I've gone and ended up in the hospital twice in our first year of marriage. Habits to break, I guess. Anyhow the Tour is on, so I must use what little attention I have while on pain dope and see what is happening. Just wanted everyone to know I made it through ok so far...

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