Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Weekend in Bizzo...

Well I’m going to have to say that this past weekend was great. It was wonderful to get to visit Bismarck again, which I have decided is the best town in ND for sure. Mom and Dad- I’m going to have to pretend you’re still there sometime to visit the town itself. :) But yes, I’ll be coming to Minot to see you too. :)
Tom and Erin’s wedding was also a good time, seeing as it was the main reason for the trip. It was great to see a bunch of you college friends, but we sure missed the Paasch’s- you guys better be at my wedding! :) It’s always nice to get everyone together for reunions now that everyone (minus myself, whoops) has moved off to all sorts of exotic places. And seeing good friends get hitched is always fun. Alison and I are sure lookin’ forward to having our own wedding soon too. All these other weddings are makin’ us anxious. :) We’re getting invitations ready, so be on the lookout for yours…
I’d have pictures of the weekend, but the only camera I was sporting was my phone, and I still haven’t figured out how to get those onto my computer. Probably costs 5 bucks a picture anyhow.
Well, seeing as my only student for today called sick, I now have the rest of the day (much like the whole day so far) to take care of errands and chores. I better get my apron on and my checkbook out…

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